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Inner Integration

Inner Integration by Meredith Miller is fantastic!  Her videos are warm and informative and get to the point of what we struggle with.  This video is particularly incredible for understanding Trauma Bonding - I recommend it as the very best *anything* I've ever seen on the subject.

Michele Lee Nieves

Michele has been through so much and her vast knowledge on the subject is both personal and detailed.  She has a lot of great videos, which can be difficult to watch but are very helpful.

Inner Integration

Meredith is so gentle and direct at the same time; she skillfully educates here without being mean or judgemental on the ways in which our traumas can block us from developing and growing in healthy ways.  I wrote down the wonderful mantas in here, they are available in the .zip on the Resources page.

Dana Morningstar

Dana runs a wonderful website Thrive After Abuse.  She used to work as a DV (Domestic Violence) counselor for years, and has a wealth of knowledge, both personal and professional.  Her to-the-point Red Flag Reading Series is the most helpful thing on Narc Abuse I have ever read.  This video covers the often asked, "should I warn the next victim?"  I thought her response was the most helpful of the videos I've seen on this topic.

Christine Canonville

Great video that is offline now :(  Hoping it comes back!

This video was recommended as something slightly more academic.  I really like Christine's presentation style and info, and I especially appreciate her attention to the relevancy of traits in both genders.

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